main home Ukraine Legal Network August 24, 2020
Ukraine Legal Network

Supporting Ukrainian survivors of international crimes in their fight for justice, accountability and reparation.

We are a group of Ukrainian and international lawyers and activists working with and for Ukrainian survivors in the Netherlands in their search for justice and redress.
Our vision is to 
reflect victim priorities
and facilitate victim engagement in justice processes.
Ukraine Legal Network (ULN), an initiative of The Nuhanovic Foundation, was setup in 2023 as a response to the large number of atrocity crimes being committed in Ukraine and, more importantly, to the needs of Ukrainian survivors.
As a civil society organisation with deep ties to domestic and international justice mechanisms in the Netherlands and experience in engaging survivor communities, we want to make access to justice for Ukrainian survivors in the Netherlands a reality.
Our Work

ULN’s initiatives focus on four key approaches that address crucial gaps in the Ukrainian
community’s access to justice mechanisms in the Netherlands.

Survivor Support Center

ULN provides legal and non-legal assistance to Ukrainian survivors and witnesses. 

Training & Legal Capacity Building

ULN provides training and capacity building sessions for members of its network.

Engagement & Case Building

ULN engages with the Ukrainian community to facilitate access to justice mechanisms.

Advocacy & Lobbying

ULN advocates for Ukrainian survivors to have a voice in their own justice processes.


Join us as we explore international justice and accountability processes for severe war crimes committed by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.

We delve into justice processes, combining personal stories from Ukrainians, legal guidance, and deep dives into legal complexities.

international criminal court ICC in the hague
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international criminal court ICC in the hague
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Know more about community engagement events, panel discussions and training sessions organised by Ukraine Legal Network. 

May 2024
May 29
29 May 2024
T.M.C. Asser Institute, R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
Den Haag, 2517JN Netherlands

Join us at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut for the latest Supranational Criminal Law Lecture: "The Register of Damage for Ukraine: Towards reparation for victims?"

May 16
16 May 2024
Amsterdam Law Hub, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
Amsterdam, 1018WV Netherlands

Join us for an engaging community networking event focussed on the Register Of Damage For Ukraine.

February 2024
Feb 24
24 February 2024
Beatrix Building Jaarbeurs, Jaarbeursplein 6
Utrecht, 3521AL Netherlands

Join us at the upcoming event, "Remember Together: Samen stilstaan bij 2 jaar na de grootschalige inval van Oekraïne, Utrecht, being held on 24 February 2024.


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